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Bureau d'étude

structural design

Structural Design Office - Consulting Engineering - Project Manager

Our design office is involved in structural studies of masonry or reinforced concrete, metal construction and locksmithing or timber framing.


The works treated by ITC are new constructions as well as rehabilitation or restructuring projects. Our design office is especially competent in complicated projects with high technical stakes. In addition, our expertise in engineering allows us to perform various missions as presented below in a non-exhaustive way:

 ​​Structural diagnostics or post-disaster diagnostics (fire, flooding, etc.),
 Removal of structural elements (opening walls ...),
 Methodology studies (headframe, shielding ...),
 Fire safety engineering,
 Accessibility to disabled persons,
 Facade studies or roof waterproofing details ...

Finally , we carry out the complete project management for all types of projects as well as the technical project management and site monitoring in collaboration with the architect or the project manager.


Expertise / structural diagnosis

We are specialize in research and diagnosis of construction pathologies, including facade and structural pathologies.

We step in quickly on real estate complexes to determine conflagrations causes, provisional measures to be carried out and surveys or additional surveys to achieve.

Finally, we propose statement of corrective solutions to conflagrations.

Maîtrise d'oeuvre

project managing

Our company offers complete project management services in collaboration with architects, interior designers or decorators if wanted.


In addition to project management, we can act as a general contractor to control all administrative procedures, technical studies and works. This last solution allows you to have only one interlocutor during all the construction period.

For your project, we create all the administrative, graphical and technical documents required for town authorization and tender process, including:

- Contract acts,

- Overall planning,

- Written and graphic pieces,

Our mission includes the realization of realistic 3D visuals!


We assist you during the tender process phase by presenting  you a minimum of three companies to build the project. Our group is able to integrate all the financial parameters of the project, and in a non-exhaustive way, all the technical and regulatory parameters of a construction project including:

- Fire safety,

- Accessibility for disabled persons,

- Thermal regulation,

- Acoustic regulation,

- EUROCODES and European Standards,

- Urban planning rules, condominium rules ...


Our company is endowed with strong technical and organizational skills to carry out your architectural project in the best conditions with respect of deadlines and costs. Finally, we will guide you in the delivery stages of the site by ensuring construction works acceptance and reserves raising.


works schedulling

We perform Scheduling, Piloting and Coordination services.


Our technical and organizational experience of construction projects will guarantee progress of the works and fullfilments of turnaround times.

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